Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Well, maybe not Sunday after all.

I'm back from that comic festival, where I met a lot of new people and had a lot of fun with old friends. Among guest was people like Stefano Ricci, Derib, Terhi Ekebom, Jean-Claude Fournier, Réal Godbout, Iris, Jean-Louis Tripp and Jimmy Beaulieu as Honorary president. So, after a 4 days beer marathon, I'm ready to get back to my normal life.

Also, yesterday, I received my copy of that short story I did 9 month ago. It's the first time I see my work printed that big, with that kind of quality. There's nothing like seeing your work printed, to see what right or wrong in it. Especially when you deal with a new market and format. The Album cover's here Sorry, I don't know who did it. That about it for news, the rest is top secret...for now.


Blogger Jimmy said...

Hey DUB ! Tu te remets de ta semaine gatinoise ? Moi j'suis malaaaaaaaade ! Ça a été ben l'fun de vous voir tous (et je fais probablement un ulcère de jalousie depuis que j'ai feuilleté ton sketchbook).

Peux-tu m'envoyer par mail les 3 pages de la lettre que tu as scannée ? J'la trouve pu pantoute. Un des dommages collaté.raux de la soirée de samedi (!).

Merci et à bientôt !


October 26, 2006 7:45 AM  
Blogger Jo Bandini said...

bravo monsieur!
je vais aller voir ça tout à l'heure.

October 30, 2006 3:12 AM  

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